MINISTRY FOR THE CHURCH – Global Revival Ministry

“To feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with His own blood” - Acts 20:28

We operate in unison with churches of all denominations, organizations and leaders, building the Body of Christ in the absolute truth of God based on the strong foundation of the Word of God.

Our activities:

  • Praise and Worship
  • Prayer and Intercession
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Leadership and Discipleship
  • Open Gospel Crusades
  • Special Meetings
  • House meetings
  • Healing Meetings
  • Annual Conventions
  • Conducting Seminars on various topics
  • Family, Individual & Marriage Counseling and Prayer
  • Helping to find the right life partners according to His Will
  • Ministering the prophetic word for edifying churches, families & individuals.
  • We travel widely within Tamil Nadu and to other states in India extensively for ministry. Besides we also travel to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Australia, Newzeland and Nepal for ministry. Many more openings are coming up for the glory of the Lord.