Sis. Rani Roberts

Born in the year 1956 on May 26th, to godly parents, Sis. Rani Roberts was brought up in a good Christian atmosphere. The Lord touched her life and saved here by His grace immediately after her mother’s death in February 1977 when she was lonely and dejected. She took the water baptism in obedience to the Lords command in the year 1978. The same year she started her ministry after being anointed by the holy Spirit. In December 1994, she answered the Lord’s calling, and left her job of 13 years as an Executive Assistant to take up full-time ministry.

Her Calling

"More than preaching and teaching, the Lord helped me to invest in the lives of individuals in counseling, prayer and so on. It has always been a great challenge given to me to build up the lives of people who are shattered, broken, given up and cast out. By His grace such lives are built and made useful for the society and the Kingdom of God...

...I can never call this as "MY" ministry but a God-given ministry which will coordinate with all ministries, churches, ministers of God and organizations to lift up the Name of Jesus Christ and build His Kingdom."

- Sis. Rani Roberts